Future of healthcare: Better Insight, Better Outcomes

Over recent weeks, we have been looking at some of the key forces that are shaping the future of the healthcare and pharma category.  In this ‘series finale’ we look at what this means for the different elements of the healthcare equation.  One thing that is for certain is that first rate human insight is essential when trying to navigate this fast changing category in search of future success.

This means understanding where to meet people as we try to communicate with them - both in practical and emotional terms.  As patients become more active consumers of healthcare, providers need to work harder to engage end users and influencers by having brands that people remember and identify with at some level, as well as developing a wider offering that really resonates with people’s current experiences and unmet needs actually living with a condition. Providers also need to understand how they can deliver more ‘real’ value to patients in terms of experienced benefits and to make a meaningful and positive impact on the professional and personal needs of HCPs.

In this context, our approach is always to go beyond a reliance on the simple rational response to questions to understand how we can better connect with people’s unmet needs and desires and tune into what really drives the choices that they make.  Lifelogs, ethnography, data analysis, semiotics, social media analysis and behavioural science all take us steps further towards a better understanding of what is really going on today - and help us develop strategy and execution that bring positive change for all stakeholders in the healthcare equation in the future.


Mind the gaps: Restless perfectionism and the quest for the extra 20%


Forces of change #5 - New Entrants, partnerships and providers